In the Name of God
Not Hold Water بی معنی بودن. غیر منطقی بودن. به عقل جور در نیامدن |
The Kiss Of Death فاتحه چیزی را خواندن |
Get The Hang Of Something قلق چیزی را به دست آوردن. راه کاری را یاد گرفتن |
Raise A Stink الم شنگه به پا کردن. قشقرق راه انداختن |
Get Off Someone's Back دست از سر کسی برداشتن |
Be Greek To One قابل درک نبودن. سر در نیاوردن |
Dressed To The Teeth با سلیقه لباس پوشیدن |
Not Have A Leg To Stand On حتی یک دلیل خوب برای ادعا نداشتن |
Out On A Limb در موقعیت خطرناک قرار داشتن |
Up One's Sleeve آماده داشتن. زیر سر داشتن |
Fork Over سلفیدن. رد کردن (پول) |
Eat One's Heart Out حسودی کردن. دل کسی سوختن. غصه خوردن |
Give Someone A Buzz به کسی زنگ زدن. تلفن زدن |
The Salt On The Earth آدم های نازنین. آدمهای بی نظیر |
IN THE SAME BOAT همدرد بودن I am broke, can you lend me a couple of bucks? |
TWIST ONE'S ARM مجبور کردن. تحت فشار قرار دادن Daddy won't buy me the car unless I twist his arm. |
IN ONE'S BOOK به عقیده شخص In my book, you are the most generous person in the world!
STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH از منبع موثق. از دهان خود شخص شنیدن. دست اول
JUMP DOWN SOMEONE'S THROAT به کسی پریدن. از کسی به شدت عصبانی شدن Why do you jump down my throat before you listen to what I have to say? |
AT SIX AND SEVENS سر در گم. هاج و واج. حیران و سرگردان Henry was all at six and sevens since he lost his job. |
GO FLY A KITE! برو پی کارت! بزن به چاک! Stop bothering me! Go fly a kite! |
TOOT ONE'S OWN HORN لاف زدن. منم منم کردن. از خود تعریف کردن Richard's always tooting his own horn. All he does is to talk about how good he is. |
HANG IN THERE! استقامت به خرج دادن. تاب آوردن. با اوضاع ساختن I know things are pretty tough me. If you hang in there things will come out ok. |
HIT BELOW THE BELT نامردی کردن. نارو زدن I'll never do any business with Peter again. He really hits below the belt. |
LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG رازی از دهان کسی پریدن. پته کسی را روی آب انداختن Nobody was supposed to tell him about the surprise party, but my sister let the cat out of the bag. |
GET A KICK OUT OF SOMETHING از چیزی کیف کردن. از چیزی حظ کردن I always get a kick out of his jokes. |
COUGH UP سلفیدن. اخ کردن Come on man! Cough up the money you owe me! |
TALK SOMEONE'S EAR OFF با پر حرفی سر کسی را بردن My grandmother talks my ear off whenever I see her. |
GO GREAT GUNS حسابی رو به راه بودن. قبراق بودن How's business Ted? It's going great guns! |
ALL THUMBS دست و پا چلفتی. ناشی Let me do the dishes myself, you're all thumbs. |
HAVE SOMEONE'S NUMBER دست کسی را خواندن. از نیت کسی آگاه بودن Joe has been so friendly to me recently. But I have his number. He just needs my money. |
LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP دست و پا چلفتی. بی ملاحظه. بی فکر. بی احتیاط Each time you enter the room, you knock something down. You are really like a bull in a china shop! |
THE FAT IS IN THE FIRE دیگه کار از کار گذشته. دیگه نمیشه کاریش کرد. آب ریخته را نمیشه جمع کرد The fat's in the fire! There's 10 thousand $ missing from office safe. |
HIT THE ROAD راه افتادن. عازم سفر شدن It's getting really late. Let's hit the road |
JUMP OUT OF ONE'S SKIN از ترس زهره ترک شدن. از ترس قالب تهی کردن You really scared me. I nearly jumped out of my skin! |
KICK IN THE PANTS ترغیب. تشویق All he needs is a kick in the pants to get him going. |
PAIN IN THE NECK مایه دردسر. مایه عذاب. بلای جان There's something wrong with my car almost everyday. It's really become a pain in the neck! |
GET THE JUMP OF SOMEONE پیش دستی کردن. روی دست کسی بلند شدن No one has ever been able to get the jump on Margie in swimming. |
OFF THE RECORD غیر رسمی. محرمانه The mayor emphasized that what he had said was off the record. |
MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL از کاه کوه ساختن. چیزی را گنده کردن Don't let such a trivial thing bother you so much. You're just making a mountain out of a molehill. |
You are not in the picture تو باغ نیستی |
worm book خر خوان |
a kick on the back اردنگی He was discharged with a kick in the pants. |
GET INTO HOT WATER تو هچل افتادن. توی دردسر افتادن I really get into hot water whenever I play hooky. |
DOG-EAT-DOG هر کی هر کی. ظالم بی رحم It's pretty though to survive in this dog-eat-dog world. |
GO COLD TURKEY یک مرتبه عادتی را کنار گذاشتن. بی مقدمه اعتیاد را ترک کردن The doctor believes in that if he opium addict had gone cold turkey, he might have not survived |
SKELETON IN ONE'S CLOSET راز شرم آور. نقطه ضعف My father was once behind bars. That's our family's skeleton in the closet. |
MONEY TALKS! پول رو رو سنگ بذاری سنگ آب میشه! پول حلال مشکلاته!پول حرف اول رو می زنه! ِDon't worry. I have a way of getting things done. Money talks! |
MIND ONE'S P'S AND Q'S مواظب رفتار و زبان خود بودن. مودب بودن You must mind your p's and q's at the reception tonight. |
Sake a leg عجله کردن، جنبیدن It's getting late. Come on, shake a leg! |
GO (Be) BANANAS از شدت خوشحالی یا عصبانیت دیوانه شدن The children will go bananas when you tell them that trip is cancelled. |
GO INTO A NOSEDIVE سریع افت کردن. مثل برق پایین آمدن. شدیدا تنزل کردن Oil prices are going into a nosedive. |
TAKE A RAIN CHECK به وقت دیگری موکول کردن I'm pretty busy on Friday, could I take a rain check on your invitation? |
GET AWAY CLEAN از مجازات فرار کردن After robbing the bank, the robbers spent off in a waiting car and got away clean. |
CATCH SOMEONE RED-HANDED سر بزنگاه کسی را دستگیر کردن. مچ کسی را گرفتن The hoodlums were tempering with the public phone when the police arrived and caught them red-handed. |
CROSS MY HEART! به جون خودم قسم می خورم! I didn't break the glass. Cross my heart! |
GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICK کلاه سر کسی رفتن. به حق خود نرسیدن Martin's very unhappy because he got the short end of the stick again. |
BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH. صغری کبری چیدن و طفره رفتن. حاشیه رفتن Stop beating about the bush! Answer my question frankly! |
HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD تو خال زدن. به هدف زدن. درست حدس زدن I guess we need a lot of money to carry out the plan. You're absolutely right. You've hit the nail right on the head! |
LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE پا روی دم سگ نگذاشتن. دنبال دردسر نگشتن. پا روی دم کسی نگذاشتن Don't raise the issue again. It's almost forgotten. Let sleeping dogs lie. |
DOG IN THE MANGER آدم بخیل. ادم تنگ نظر Kathryn never gives away anything she herself has no use for. She is such a dog in the manger. |
WHEEL AND DEAL ساخت و پاخت کردن. زد و بند کردن. گاوبندی کردن You can't do any business in this town if you don't wheel and deal. |
MONKEY BUSINESS دوز و کلک. حقه بازی. مسخره بازی Stop the monkey business. This is serious. |
GO DOWN THE DRAIN به هدر رفتن. بر باد رفتن. نقش برآب شدن All the money I invested in that damned business went down the drain. |
GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED از دنده چپ بلند شدن. عبوس بودن Why are you so grouchy today? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? |
JUMP THE GUN زودتر از وقت شروع کردن. قبل از موعد مقرر کاری را انجام دادن. عجله کردن They were scheduled to be married in June, but they jumped the gun. |
MAKE A SPLASH کولاک کردن. معرکه کردن. غوغا کردن She made quite a splash in literary with her first book. |
GET ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS بی قرار شدن. دلشوره گرفتن I always get ants in my pants before a lecture. |
GIVE SOMETHING ONE'S BEST SHOT نهایت سعی خود را کردن Do you think you can fix the washing machine? I'm not sure, but I'll give it my best shot. |
COOL ONE'S HEELS زیاد معطل شدن. زیاد منتظر شدن We arrived on time,but the lawyer let us cool our heels outside of his office for hours. |
LEAD A DOG'S LIFE با فلاکت زندگی کردن. زندگی رقت بار داشتن. زندگی سگی داشتن I gotta get rich real soon. I'm quite tired of leading a dog's life. |
GET ONE'S TICHET PUNCHED شناسنامه کسی باطل شدن. مردن. کشته شدن The poor man got his ticket punched while he was crossing the street! |
DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS سلیقه ها مختلفه. هر کسی به چیزی علاقه داره My husband likes watching T.V., but I like reading books. Well, different strokes for different folks. |
MISS THE BOAT دیر جنبیدن. فرصت را از دست دادن There were still some tickets available last week. You could have bought one, but you missed the boat. |
GET THE AX اخراج شدن. از کار بر کنار شدن
GO TO BAT FOR SOMEONE از کسی طرفداری کردن. از کسی جانبداری کردن I expect you to go to bat for me whenever you hear anyone gossip about me. |